The Image Of Self.
A blind man can’t appreciate the use of a mirror.
A mirror shows a reflection of you, but if you can’t see, you won’t see the need to appreciate the utility of the mirror.
The same goes for your self worth.
You can't appreciate your value if you haven't ever looked at/into yourself.
Daring to look at yourself through your own lens allows you to see what others don’t see.
It allows you to answer one or all of the following reflective questions.
WHO do you see staring back at you?
WHAT type of person are you really?
ARE you that person or that's just a mask you hide under?
Just as the mirror doesn't lie to you when you look at it, looking at yourself through a reflective lens exposes everything there is about you down to the minute detail.
However, don't blame the mirror for your looks.
The term "self" explains your individual sense of identity, consciousness and being.
Your perception of yourself can be anchored to or across several factors such as:
1. Your Identity.
Who you say you are.
It ranges from common factors such as your name, origin, gender to intrinsic attributes like your principles, values, and beliefs.
Where you come from, what you do, who you hang around with speaks a lot about your identity and reflects the image you have created of yourself subconsciously.
2. Consciousness.
How aware you are.
Your level of awareness of your thoughts, emotions, strength, weaknesses and the circumstances under which you experience each of them speaks loudly to yourself and others about who you say and believe you are.
This also further shapes you as a person and reinforces the image of which you've created for yourself.
3. Uniqueness.
What makes you,you.
What distinguishes you from the crowd.
Your characteristics, accomplishments, competencies and the rest all play a massive role in reinforcing what makes you non-identical to the rest of the crowd and creates an image of self you would always want to stay true to.
4. Autonomy.
Who owns you.
Who sits in the driver's seat of your life.
Your ability to make choices and act independently.
The act of self governance and making decisions influenced by none other but you.
This is personal independence and self reliance.
Looking into yourself leads you to a more realistic understanding of your worth,strength and weaknesses, emotions and beliefs.
Being self aware enables individuals to recognize, identify and challenge negative self-talk, which can contribute to low self-esteem. In return that helps them acknowledge and appreciate their achievements thereby boosting their self esteem by proxy.
Self-awareness fosters acceptance of flaws and imperfections, reducing self-criticism and promoting self-acceptance.
By cultivating self-awareness, individuals can:
- Build a more positive and realistic self-image
- Develop resilience to criticism and setbacks
- Improve their sense of self-worth
- Enhance their overall self-esteem.
Individuals can develop a healthier and more fulfilling self through these ways;
Self-discovery, self-realization, and connection to a higher power.
This is a higher realm that connects unconscious thoughts, feelings, and experiences of yourself.
You should also reach out to realize the spiritual version of you.
Social interactions.
You’re a different person when you’re in the midst of people compared to hanging out with yourself.
We learn about ourselves by observing others, receiving feedback, and imitating behaviors.
This is how social interactions shape our behavior, thoughts and feelings.
How you express and present yourself gives people a perception about you.
You do care about what people perceive when they see you and interact with you and if this perception isn't the way you want, you try to create another image for yourself.
The self is not static; it evolves through experiences, growth, and self-reflection.
Knowing and redefining yourself is an ongoing process that takes time, effort, and practice to develop fully.
You set the bar for yourself.
You should give others a definition of yourself before they do.