The background noise?
Why not sit back and take a deep breath?
Breathe in deeply and hold it in for 5 seconds
Now let it out slowly.
Didn't that feel relaxing?
Our minds are so cluttered and busy we don't even know there are noises in the background of the life we live.
Only if we paid attention a little closely, we could hear those noises.
This noise is a quality that lacks any predictable order or plan.
It is random. It is dissonant. It is a disturbance.
Our present world is like that of a mare's nest.
Although some of us conditioned our minds subconsciously to declutter, this is why we don't feel or hear any background noise when we put out to do something very important to our wellness and being.
Focus, if we're lacking it, can't let us notice if there's a background noise cluttering our presumably instantaneous peaceful and tranquil environment.
Our heads are so busy running around with thoughts racing for which is more important than the other. The brain would appreciate a little calmness, only if we disregard this defective background turbulence.
In the end, nothing really actually matters. No one got it all figured out and we really don't know what we got doing here, why and how we got here.
It is indeed with close attention that we're able to take on some problems and tasks and handle them vigorously. And make it seem like we know what we are doing, when in essence, no one knows what exactly life is all about.
A close attention can help know when to shun this background noise once perceived.
In a very disorganized and disorderly world, we all have a confused multitude of things stacked to fill up a space, in a way that interferes with attentive observations.
This disturbance or noise, clutter up. And when we pay rapt attention we hear the unwanted echoes. It is fuddling to be unable to think clearly.
The background noise exists because it's part of the whirlwinds and troubles in life. Many times, this noise comes to take your mind away and wander off outside your space.
The world is a quiet place, only if we pay a little more attention.
Every one appreciates calmness, each person appreciates their own quiet time without the background noises initiated to the world.
Although, there are few people who use this noise as a medium of escape. The calmness envelopes them to comfort their turbulence but they seek not any comfort, so they rather surge in the turbulence.
For others, they embrace the noise and the chaos it brings alongside.
Most often than not, these people have been found out to be of an insanely different mental capacity than others.
They tend to absorb the noise and channel it in a positive or negative activity.
Leonardo Da Vinci thrived on the noise in his head constantly pushing him to do more and ultimately resulted in the beautiful masterpieces the world celebrates today.
On the other hand, Ted Bundy was also driven by the same noise so much he decided to channel him into being a serial killer.
The background noise is a tempest. It is a disturbance to your tranquil world. Pay close attention, so you notice when it starts to draw to your door and you pacify.
Even the party racket sometimes doesn't need to hear this background noise.
The street thug would also appreciate a little calmness once in a while.
The DJ artist would prefer his sleep hours without the upbeats in the environment.
The busy market takes a break from the busy trades.
You also need quality time for nature’s gentle touch.
You need to feel what peace is out there without seeking through the virtual world.
Someone out there is whining about something you could have and can help with, maybe if you paid a little more attention, you'd figure it's your next door neighbor.
Maybe just a little more attention, you would notice there's a plant you could save by not taking that next stump.
You're so occupied, you don't know when there's a crack of discomfort when someone talks.
You're so cluttered you don't notice the bird on your window pane has stopped chirping.
You are so into the digital space you don't know how to pacify your crying environment.
Don't be so occupied that;
- You absorb the wealth of which the world holds with the wrong nose.
- You miss the profound knowledge that lingers right before your eyes.
- You demean the strength that comes when you speak.
- You lack the realization of how great you are as a body.
- You downplay your level of emotional soundness and maturity.
- You don’t appreciate the greatest love of being each other’s counterpart.
Plug into the world where there's barely any background noise and your perspective on tranquility would be another tranquil realm.