Life begins where fear ends.

Lily's Chronicles.
6 min readAug 31, 2024


Fear is the grestest mental monster.

Break out to reality.
Don’t be scared to do the things that would change your life.
You make excuses because you are scared of the outcomes.
But 9/10 times, it’s all in your head.
The silent voice in your head stopping you from doing anything worthwhile.
So you stay scared.
Too scared to face reality.
Too scared to leave your comfort zone.
Too scared you might not find comfort if you leave your comfort zone.

Don’t conform to your fears.
Face them squarely.
Laugh at them.
Make your thoughts your ally.

(Credit: @Moral_Wisdom via X)

How many times have you said, “...and I was so scared” when talking about something that turned out great?

When you take leaps, you know how happy you get.

Fear eats into your skin and prevents you from living to your fullest potential.
Fear is an anticipated feeling of danger or pain which can cause you to flee or fight.
Over here do you know what we don't do? We don't flee.
What we do here is FIGHT.
You can't flee from your body and allow fear to be the one in control, instead we use this weapon to propel you.

You suffer from low self esteem because fear lives in you.
You are the only real person in your reality.
Fear exists in the world but fear should be an illusion to your reality. It is there to trick you into false falling.
Fear is an abstract concept. Many times it is an imaginary subject.
Fear should be fuel for you. You get scared but you do it anyway.

Once you are ready to face your fears, they appear more often.
And this is where you don't cower, you face them with both feet and eyes once they arise.
Fear is an emotion, never let the emotions of fear consume you or you'd always be at the mercy of your emotions.

Anything you know you're scared of, involve yourself with it more often and watch how the fear fades and then feel like your own.
Fear itself is afraid too. It becomes fearful when you stand up to it. That is why on your first trial of standing up to the thing(s) you fear, it seems as though the level of fear in you has multiplied.
Do you know what? It multiplied.
The fear in you increases as you stand up to it. It increases because it looks for a medium of escape since you have fought out of the base it took in you. You displaced fear and allowed courage in.
Now fear is also afraid of Courage. (Even cowards know this)
As you keep standing up with courage as your new base,(facing the things you are scared of) fear keeps increasing(looking for a route of escape). In other words, fear can propel you to eminence.
When you finally stand firm (become very familiar with what you used to be afraid of) Fear escapes.
There's no trick other than practice.
A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.
Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.
Many of our fears are tissue-paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them.

Fear is taught. You were never born with fear. Remember how your life seemed great as a child. You didn't fear anything.
You weren't scared of eating, crawling, sleeping or even walking. Till you started growing, things started popping, a boy in school terrified you by popping his head out of nowhere.
You start to worry and become more cautious because you don't want to be frightened.
Your big cousin starts to tell you haunted stories and you listen.
You begin to think about all the horrific things playing out.
You fell into a ditch and your friends laughed at you. You become scared of falling or getting laughed at.

You got called out in class and your closest friends kept murmuring on the side because you answered a question wrongly, you begin to fear speaking openly, because you messed up.
You got poked with a roach or spider, you start to dread roaches.
Or maybe you watched your mom kill a spider like it was a predator, now you panic at the sight of any.
You try talking to someone you regard so much but always stutter when you do. You begin to stutter as you grow up(you found it difficult to speak and say things)

Do you know a mentally sound adult who stutters?
They still stutter because they still live with that fear from a childhood experience.
Phobias are irrational fears that stem from little things like these.

The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reset the thermostat.
Where the room is you, and the thermostat has two temperatures, fear and courage. You choose your temperature.

When you beat any fear from your childhood, you can beat any other type of fear that may arise. I repeat ANY!
The fear you were taught from your childhood is the realest monster that can stop you from getting where you want or need to be. Once conquered, you become a conqueror.

Your big question might be “How do I get out of this fear?”

If the solution hasn't clicked to you after all said, then I will tell you in basic terms.
Face your fears, head on.

In all fairness and contradictorily, fear is established to be a healthy propeller to your development (Use it right.) The fear you feel should serve a purpose.

If you are scared of joining that club because you don't measure up to their standards. Apply to join. You might just be the one the club needs.

If you are scared of talking to a girl, talk to her. What matters is you giving it a shot, and you might just be wrong.

If you are scared of getting rejected by that company thinking your portfolio is not worthy, send that proposal. You might just be wrong or you get to learn.

If you are scared of speaking because you sound stupid most times, seek knowledge and speak. You grow when you enter the zone of the unknown.

If you are scared of addressing a crowd because the last time you tried you were sweating profusely. Find mediums to address crowds, continuously. The level of sweating would be decreased with continuous trials.

Even your body knows about these fears. The inner you creates the outer you. Fear is something you let inside, therefore the one way it is shown is outside you( your body). It could be by avoiding eye contact, yelling, sweating, crying, running, hiding, screaming, panting, fidgeting etc.

This is what T.Harv Eker wrote “ If a hundred foot oak tree had the mind of a human, it would only grow to be ten feet tall.” Could he have been any wrong? No.
Don't allow these fears stop you from living your life to its peak and exploring your potential.

The Lord said to “Cast all thy troubles before me, for I am with you, why shall you be afraid?
Why shall you fear?

The only one to be feared is God.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
This is to be in an awe of profound respect, reverence and regard towards him.
God didn't create fear for you to not conquer it. Don't allow fear conquer you or this weapon called fear will be used to make you squeak at things you should roar at.
Also notice that Men who are feared are fearless.

I reckon you can get rid of that one time challenger.



Lily's Chronicles.
Lily's Chronicles.

Written by Lily's Chronicles.

Bringing words to life with the help of the alphabets. She writes that thing!

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